Prince Mahesh babu;s upcoming film Dhookudu shooting is presently going to at Padmalaya Studios in Hyderabad, there the film unit is canning the song on Mahesh and Samantha. So after this schedule the film unit will fly to Switzerland to can a song and little talkie part over there. As per the sources the Dhookudu team is flying to Swiss on May 10th for its next schedule. the film was earlier shot in turkey, Gujarath, Mumbai and Hyderabad.
Cute actress Samantha is pairing with mahesh in this flick. Apart from Samantha another actress happy days fame heroin sonia is palying an importent role in this flick. prince Mahesh Babu will be seen in the role of a police informer in the film. Dhookudu is being directed by Sreenu Vytla and Anil Sunkara, Achanta Gopinath and Achanta Ram are jointly producing this movie under the banner of 14reels Entertaiment Pvt Ltd. Music director SS Thaman is composing music.
Mahesh babu Fans are eagerly waiting for the release of movie, but so far official release date is not yet revealed. mean while Mahesh babu is concentrating on more commercial Ads rather than films. the latest buzz is that he is going to endorse for Jewelry brand soon, presently the talks are going on.
Cute actress Samantha is pairing with mahesh in this flick. Apart from Samantha another actress happy days fame heroin sonia is palying an importent role in this flick. prince Mahesh Babu will be seen in the role of a police informer in the film. Dhookudu is being directed by Sreenu Vytla and Anil Sunkara, Achanta Gopinath and Achanta Ram are jointly producing this movie under the banner of 14reels Entertaiment Pvt Ltd. Music director SS Thaman is composing music.
Mahesh babu Fans are eagerly waiting for the release of movie, but so far official release date is not yet revealed. mean while Mahesh babu is concentrating on more commercial Ads rather than films. the latest buzz is that he is going to endorse for Jewelry brand soon, presently the talks are going on.
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