Directed by VV Vinayak and produced by Allu Aravind on the banner of Githa Arts, Badrinath with allu arjun, Tamanna in the lead completed its shooting recently.The producer is getting ready to lunch the audio as sonn as possible and is making efforts to release the film in June. MM Keeravani scored music for this film.
Director vinayak's says, Bunny had undergone a special training in some martial arts for the film in Vietnam as he was playing the role of an indian Samurai. The highlights of the film would be the action scenes choreographed by Peter Heynes. Especially the combination of Allu Arjun and tamanna who shook legs for the audio of Keeravani would win the hearts of youth and general audiences.
Director vinayak's says, Bunny had undergone a special training in some martial arts for the film in Vietnam as he was playing the role of an indian Samurai. The highlights of the film would be the action scenes choreographed by Peter Heynes. Especially the combination of Allu Arjun and tamanna who shook legs for the audio of Keeravani would win the hearts of youth and general audiences.
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