Daggubati Rana has the sturdy job in hand to stand on par with the excellence of babai Venkatesh and father Suresh babu. In coming two weeks, Rana has got crores of money riding on his back with two films "Dum Maaro Dum" and "Nenu Naa Rakshasi" slated for release. He is on a double cross with these flicks as both stand on equal importance for his future career. The goa based Dum maaro Dumis to strikes on 22nd of this month while Nenu Naa Rakshasi in on 29th. If earlier happens to be his Bollywood debut latter helps him to secure a position in Tollywood. The young actor is spending sleepless nights promoting the two and hardly is he left with any time? He is tourting the North India these days to publicize Dum Maaro Dum. Soon after its release, he will fly back to south to boost the advertisement with ileana. Feeling the nervousness Rana says, I'm having a lot of fun, but it's tough at times as i am required to be in two places all at once.Tese are nervous times for sure. But i dont mind it one bit. Let us see how he gets out from these tough times.
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